Chalkhills: This World Over

Updated: 3 August 2024

Chalkhills is (continually) designed and constructed by John Relph. Chalkhills is the both the longest extant XTC mailing list, created in April 1989 as an offshoot of the venerable Love-Hounds list, and the longest extant XTC web site, first hacked together in May 1994, although FTP archives were first made available in April 1991. Chalkhills is in a state of perpetual flux. Chalkhills is not run for profit. Chalkhills has been created for the benefit of XTC fans: to disseminate information and to foster conversation. Chalkhills and John Relph have no official connection to the band. Or even unofficial. Enjoy!

 July 20, 1996
 August 23, 1999
Magellan 4-Star Site
Asia E!Online

The Fine Print

All content on Chalkhills is copyright © 1988-2024 John Relph, except where otherwise noted.

Chalkhills operates on USA Eastern Time.

Web space and DNS provided by This and all other pages authored by John Relph and made available on this server are not the responsibility of nor do they necessarily reflect the opinions of

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[Thanks to for the original text of this disclaimer.]
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Help the Cause

If you like Chalkhills, you might want to consider making a donation. John Relph works hard on Chalkhills. And although both the Chalkhills web site and mailing list are completely free resources, and will always remain so, they inevitably have running costs, such as ISP and Domain fees. If you'd care to make a donation, however small, towards the upkeep of Chalkhills, he will be very grateful.

All you need to do is click on the PayPal icon to the right, and log in with your PayPal account or, if you don't have one, create one. All proceeds will be managed by John Relph. Thank you!

Ta, Mate!

My heartfelt gratitude goes to the kind folks at, who so graciously provide the web and domain name service for Chalkhills. My sincere thanks are also extended to the kind folks at Sine Wave, for providing mail handling services.

The following people have contributed to the Chalkhills pages in some way, to them I give my thanks:

Frank Agnello, Per Aronsson, Stefano De Astis, Ed Aubry, Doug Bailey, Paul Bailey, Steve Barash, Anton Barbeau, Jody Barnes, Keith Beck, Greg Beecher, David Beley, Martin Bell, Todd Bernhardt, Dave Biemiller, Philippe Bihan, Dave Blackburn, Jan Bletz, Philippe Blirando, Tom Boellke, Adam Box, Patrick Bourcier, Alexander Broskey, Eric Bur, Greg Brady, Brian Brooks, Jean-Christophe Brouchard, Chris Browning, Kevin Brunkhorst, Stephen Bruun, Mark Budgen, Darryl W. Bullock, James Campbell, Justin Campbell, Kevin Carhart, William Carroll, Mick Casey, Stephen Clarke, Jason Consoli, Phil Corless, Robert Cosentino, Simon Coward, Henry Crun, Paul Culnane, Bill Curran, Ian Dahlberg, Ed Daranciang, Dave Daugerdas, Adam Davies, Alan Davies, Kathy Davis, Ned Davis, Simon Deane, Marcus Deininger, Paolo Di Modica, Volker Dieling, James Dignan, John Dioso, June and Peter Dix, Keith Dowling, Stuart Draper, Scott Drellishak, Jon Drukman, Art Dudley, Jeff Eby, Johan Ekdahl, David Emprimo, Remco Engels, Oscar Erickson, Bob Estus, Stewart Evans, Jeffrey Fariello, Neville Farmer, Michael Faulkner, Dan Fellini, Paul Ferguson, Mark Fisher, Peter Fitzpatrick, Pat Flaherty, Dave Franson, Ned Frey, Mitch Friedman, Martin Fuchs, Joli Furnari, Keith Gabryelski, Mark Garland, Todd Gehman, Albert Gibson, Mr. Gil, George Gimarc, Mark Glickman, Doug Goans, Gary Pig Gold, Neil Goldstein, Mike Golvach, Ben Gott, Stephen Grau, Brian Gregory, Wayne Grimsrud, Joshua Hall-Bachner, William HamBevan, Fred Hamilton, Wes Hanks, Stephen Harper, Tim Harris, Lisa Haun, Francis Heaney, John Hedges, Reinhard zur Heiden, Brian “Sir Demon Brown” Helium, Victor Hobbs, Simon Hogg, Joseph O. Holmes, Toby Howard, Paul Hutchinson, James Isakson, Naoyuki Isogai, Gary Jedlicka, John Johanneson, Steve Johnson, Derek Joyce, Dag Juhlin, Matt Kaden, Jessica Kashiwabara, Joseph T Kays, Matt Keeley, Tim Kendrick, Duncan Kimball, Dave King, Daniel Kirkdorffer, Jason Kirkman, Michael Knigge, Barry Koch, André de Koning, Gerardine Kooring, Augie Krater, David Lake, Jeff Langr, Jef Leeson, Don Leibold, Steve Levenstein, E Christopher Lewis, Toby Lewis, Peter Liefer, Ira Lieman, Christer Liljegren, Wes Long, Zachariah Love, Tony Lovell, Lee Lovingood, Bernard Lopez, Jamie Lowe, Joe Lynn, J. Ross MacKay, Delia M., J. D. Mack, Robert Mallows, Christopher Marrinan, Doug Mashkow, Jean-Jacques Massé, Raub Mathias, Brian Matthews, Gary McBride, Mitch McGlothlin, Brookes McKenzie, Masato Mihara, Andy Miller, Darlene Miller ("We're all Light"), David W. Millians, Derek Miner, Martin Monkman, R. Stevie Moore, Eric Morris, John Morrish, Youssef Mourra, Kurt Muehlner, Helen Murray, Andrew Russell Mutchler, Paul Myers, Peter Nau, Brad Nelson, Lazlo Nibble, JP Nicholls, Gary Nicholson, Pär Nilsson, Sören Nilsson, Sam Nitzberg, Marco Odino, Adrian Ogden, David Oh, Eric Olander, Steve Oleson, Neil Oliver, Marie Omnibus, Amanda Owens, John Palagyi, Perry Pandrea, Jean-Pierre Papin, Barry Parris, Patrick Partridge, Richard Pedretti-Allen, Mike Pelusi, Troy Peters, Bryan Poole, Randy Posynick, James Poulakos, John Powell, Chris Pratt, Lisette Proulx, a quegg, Cory Radosevic, Ian “Aces” Rans, Willard Ratliff III, Joachim Reinbold, Rick Rockershousen, Paul Pledge Rodgers, Emerick Rogul, Jon Rosenberger, Damian Roskill, Mark Rosser, Gerhard Satke, Annie Sattler, Dan Schmidt, Mark J. Schnitzius, Samuel A. Scott, Graeme Wong See, Bill Sherman, Harrison Sherwood, Glenn Siegel, Josh Sierles, Simon Sleightholm, Daniel R. Smith, David Smith, Ryan Snyder, Frédéric Solans, Lin Sprague, Robert Stacy, Ab Stammeshaus, Alex M. Stein, Espen Stemland, Ian C. Stewart, Michael Stone, William H. Stoner III, Paul Stratford, Jill Strauss, Mark “Mello” Strijbos, Greg Stump, Stephanie Takeshita, Gerardo Tellez, Timothy Tobin, Paul Tornbohm, Jeff Truzzi, Brian Tucker, Joe Turner, Adam Tyner, Imanol Ugarte, Janis Van Court, Stephen Varga, David Veitch, Maurits Verhoeff, Thomas Vest, Will Vigar, Ryan Walsh, Paul Wanuga, Steve Warren, Duncan Watson, Lars Wenker, Brian Whitman, Dan Wiencek, Kim E. Williams, Tony Williams, Dan Winkley, William Wisner, Karl Witter, Bradley Wood, David Wood, Mike Woodbury, Colin Wright, Howard Wright, Paulo X, David Yazbek, Gene Yoon.

My sincere apologies to those whose names were unintentionally yet undoubtedly left off the above list.

And of course, my heartfelt thanks go out to XTC!  Without whom, etc.


Here's what people have to say about Chalkhills:

From: "William Lee" <>
Subject: Chalkhills
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2014 21:26:28 +0100

Just to say John

After all these years

Chalkhills is without doubht one of the best sites I've ever seen, music or otherwise. The fact that the subject matter is the jawdropping music of XTC is a delight. Many thanks.


From: Sofi Gomez Bradley <>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2010 22:17:57 -0300

For being the only source for Dukes Of Stratosphear guitar chords!!!! I've been searching so long for them, and there are all the songs of the album!! Incredible!!

Is really really the only web to find them... and I'm so happy I've found it finally!
can't stop saying thank you!!

Peace And Love

Sofia the vanishing girl
From: Robert Mallows <>
Subject: News snippet
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2010 19:36:49 +0100


hello... huge applause for the continued quality of Chalkhills. When I first got connected to the Interweb, it was one of the first sites I ever bookmarked, and I've accessed it ever since!

From: gerard mc cavana <>
Subject: The Chalkhills website
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 20:43:55 +0000

Hello there John,

Just checking through the 'Chalkhills' website tonight (as I have done for many years) and just wanted to say 'Well done!' and thanks for keeping us XTC fans up to date with snippets of information throughout the long haul - especially when it's difficult to gather up news etc.

Yes, a great band- loved by many.

Keep her lit John!

Gerard Mc Cavana (Belfast)
Subject: John ,,thanks
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 13:20:33 EST

Dear John, My name is David Aguayo. Im a 50 year old American here in the city of Chicago. From the day i first heard "Making plans for Nigel" back in the old days i was hooked. XTC has always been my all time favorite English band bar none. I have also been a musician playing around town here in the midwest. My purpose for writing is just to thank you for this wonderful site.

Have a great day my friend. sincerely Dave
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:04:03 +0000
Subject: Andre's Booklets!

Your website is fantastic -- such a garden of XTC-lights! Many thanks to you, and to Andre for those lovely little booklets! And Happy Holidays!

Gary Maiullo
Laurel, MD
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 19:20:04 -0800
From: Kaylan Swearingen <>
Subject: Chalkhills

Hi. Just wanted to let you know how impressive is. Not to mention helpful. Kudos!


"Two things become a woman: rouge and tears."
--Napoleon Bonaparte
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 12:37:37 +1000
From: "Hamish Baker" <>
Subject: Chalkhills

Just wanted to say "Thanks" for your efforts, it's a great work you've embarked upon, giving much pleasure.

It's weird, after all these years their work still fascinates me!

Keep it up!


Hamish Baker Real Estate Pty Ltd
Military Road, Mosman NSW
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 17:12:46 +0100
From: Malcolm Yates <>
Subject: Chalkhills

John, I have been looking at chalkhills over the past few years, but I have to say it is not only the smartest looking, but also the most complete music site I have ever seen. I couldn't catch your discog out at all ;-))

As I sit here listening to Ball and Chain, thanks very much


Malcolm Yates
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 02:16:05 -0500
From: <>
Subject: I cant tell what truth is anymore (tablature)

First off lemme just say that I have been using your kickass website for a few years now, I love it.

XTC was my first favorite band that i instantly and wholeheartedly related to (and still do) age 15 in 1987... these guys were my heros (and still are)... like many fans, i kinda lost touch with the band during the virgin records strike in the 90's...

But thanks to you and your site, I stumbled back on to xtc in about 2001-2 and was ecstatic to find them producing new works.... more than ever i was able to relate to xtc as i was now at the age they were at when they were cranking out my favorite classics... (I am 32 now)

at any rate, thanks and cheers to you and your diligent hard work and mutual appreciationof the coolest most thoughtful band ever XTC.


greg stump

Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 09:39:31 -0000
From: "mark vidler" <>
Subject: Hi and other stuff...

Just a quick line or 2, to say hi.
Have been an avid reader of your Chalkhills site for years
now...excellent job on keeping me up to date with all things XTC. Thanks for the recent inclusions of my XTC mashes etc..I hope the die-hard fans of XTC (of which I'm one) can see the love and care I put into them!!

Anyhow, I loved that Asa Butterfield (weezer / Making Plans) track that you alerted me to on the 'sounds' page.

Keep up the excellent work...

Kindest of Regards

Mark Vidler
From: "Todd Beasley" <>
Subject: XTC site
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 22:41:43 GMT


I wanted to thank you for having such an inclusive site. I have spent hours on it, referencing and checking things out. I can tell your blood is in it, so I just wanted to drop a quick thank you.
From: Eric Bur <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 09:08:48 -0800

kick-ass site
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 12:27:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Matthew Permenter <>
Subject: thanks and praises

Mr. Relph,

Thank you so much for running Chalkhills. It's by far one of my favourite websites in the WHOLE WIDE WOLRD (web) HHAAH. I'm sure you've never heard that one. Though I am a mere 22 years old, XTC is the world's most underrated pop band ever. Your site has helped make me more of an XTC fanatic than I thought I would ever be.

Thanks again!

Matt Permenter
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 2002 02:49:19 -0400
Subject: God bless you but...
From: David Mackenzie <>

You're nerds. Give it up. XTC ARE the poets of me generations but lets kept it to ourselves. PoP history will be kind. I promise.


Toronto, canada
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 08:08:58 -0500 (EST)
From: David Wood <>
Subject: xtc discography...

Hello John:

First, let me say that this is a fantastic discography. It has helped me identify my XTC albums (I now know that I have the fist issue E.S. with textured cover!). Thanks again for your extensive XTC info.

From: "T Powell" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 18:11:53 -0500

just wanted to thank you for a brilliant website.chalkhills has been a marvelous way of staying in touch with everything that xtc is working on. when they had the long hiatus due to the dispute with virgin your stie always kept me informed and anxious for new material. the recommends section is terrific and has given me many new artists that i now enjoy. finally i was thrilled to see the nines were recommended. they are from my area and i have followed them for a number of years. they have put on some great shows and steve eggers is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. any way thanks again and keep up the great work!!!!! all the best, trevor
From: Dave Gregory
Date: February 2001

By all means share with the Chalksters, and thanks for your tactful approach - much appreciated! I think XTC is very fortunate to have such an efficient and professionally-run web-site, considering how little it gives back in terms of, well, newsworthy activity. Our history and legacy couldn't be in more safe hands than those of the Relph, and it's incredible that he's still keeping it running so well after all this time.
From: "squirrelgirl" <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 19:18:04 -0500

Hi John -

Nice job on the website - all the updates are fantastic. Glad you got everything fixed with your server problems; honestly, though, Chalkhills is the most well-run list I've ever seen. Keep up the good work!

aka Squirrelgirl
From: "Coupal, Jim" <>
Subject: site
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 22:15:35 -0600

Hey, just wanted to say that I'm really impressed with how complete your information is on XTC. I have listened to the band off and on for 20 years but always come back to them. It is great to find a site that helps to fill in the holes and then some! I've enjoyed spending time at your site and am looking forward to learning even more about the band.

Thanks for all your work in put this site up and keeping it current!

Jim Coupal
From: cactus@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 01:40:34 +0100

Hello John

Just thought I would drop you a quick line to say thanks for the Chalkhills site. I've found it an invaluable resource over the last three or so years that I have been working with Andy and Colin - it's always good to be able to check I'm not doing something they have had before! :-)

Thanks Again
Andrew Swainson | Cactus Design
From: Sebastián Adúriz <>
Subject: Re: your message to Chalkhills
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 16:25:52 -0300

By the way, let me congratulate you once more for the superb work your doing with your page. I go there really often and I'm never dissapointed. Getting the chance of reading all this articles of several publications - now with great exclusive contributions too! - is invaluable for me, being so far away of XTC related sources. Ah! Congratulations also for the well deserved mention you got in the Wasp Star CD. Justice was done.

Un abrazo. Sebastián.
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 04:57:13 -0800 (PST)
From: "Paul Wilkinson's typing digit" <>
Subject: Fan Mail

Hi John,

Just thought I'd write you a short note.

I personally believe you are very much responsible for [XTC's] continued success, I take my hat off to you sir.

It must be a pain running a site for a couple of guys who have such an ambivalent attitude to the web.

I think you did and continue to do a damm fine job. I don't know where you get the time or find the energy, but I'm in awe.

Paul Wilkinson

Chicago Tribune, March 5, 2000
Arts & Entertainment


Pop music
For fans of the rock band XTC, and an excellent model for any band to follow in creating its own site.

-- Greg Kot

From: "Gary Howman" <garyh@xxxx.xx.xx>
Subject: Chalkhills
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 20:49:53 -0000

Hello there

Many, many thanks for this exceptional site. I visit regularly and always find something informative, interesting or just plain thrilling. The people I have contacted through Chalkhills have been without exception friendly and helpful.

It can get very lonely being an XTC fan in the UK! Now its true to say "you're never alone with Chalkhills".

Bye for now and thanks again

Gary Howman
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 03:52:25 -0500
From: Dave <>
Subject: Hi

Your XTC site is really awesome. We, fans, need you and need that information. Keep up the good work.

Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 16:15:16 EDT
Subject: Re: QUICK XTC question

Hey John,

I'm impressed you manage that page all yourself. I thought it was a large organization. Congrats!

Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 12:52:01 -0400
From: "Tom R. Loden" <>
Organization: CSC
Subject: Congrats


I stopped by today. I just wanted to say congrats to the fact that you kept it going for so long. Great job & diligence.

Take care,
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 14:16:38 -0600
From: Duane Hanson <>
Subject: Chalkhills website


I just wanted to say thank you for maintaining an excellent and informative web site. I've been stopping off at Chalkhills regularly for a couple of years now, and always find something to make the trip worthwhile.

And (also important) I am impressed with the clear, uncluttered design of your site, with how easy the site is to navigate, and with how quickly it loads.

I check on the websites of several other musicians, and none of them is as clear and informative as Chalkhills. (I wish the Dave Gregory website would take some cues from this--I've tried to access the site three times. The first time I was informed that I needed a newer browser. The second and third times it just kept loading, and loading, and never getting anywhere...)

Anyway, thank you for keeping me up-to-date with one of my favorite bands!

Duane Hanson
Off somewhere in South Dakota
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 20:14:24 EDT
Subject: The Non-XTC Content

First of all, I'd like to offer a sincere "thank you" for operating this list. I know its ranks have swollen since the release of "Apple Venus V1." And it's good to see so many XTC fans. By the way, "Chalkhills" is a great site.

However, I am seeing far too many notes that have nothing to do with XTC. One note in the latest issue has 12 paragraphs, the last of which reads: "Now I know that this is getting as boring as the Sit Com debate. Back to XTC next time."

With all of the newsgroups and chatrooms out there, why is all of this extraneous stuff in the Chalkhills list (he asked rhetorically)? I think that the problem is growing with these extraneous posts.

Okay, I'll shut up now.

Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 16:39:42 -0400
Subject: XTC and Chalkhills
From: "Joseph O. Holmes"

Just a quick note to say you do an amazing job running the Chalkhills site and covering all the antics of the (ever shrinking) XTC boys. Thanks and keep up the great work.


Contributing Editor, MacAddict Magazine

1998 Folio Editorial Excellence Award
Best Overall Magazine -- 1996 Computer Press Awards
From: Jean-Jacques Massé <>
Subject: Comments and queries and humble daisies
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 04:28:55 +0100

First, let me tell you how much I love your site. The Chalkhills page is an orchid oasis on the over traffic saturated roads on the net. It is precise, colourful, updated, info rich and surfing easy. Hey, what could be nicer ?
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 01:04:17 +0000
Subject: I surrender

This is the most miserable, anal, elitist bunch of shit ever ( I should know, I am on the Beach boys list)
I would rather just listen my XTC CDs
stop my subscription NOW. Moderated lists are soooo boooring.
Bye Bye.
From: "Ned Frey" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 23:18:27 -0500

Dear Mr. Relph,
I've been a member of your mailing list for a few years, and I think you do a great job with the Chalkhills Web site. Keep up the good work!
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 21:16:34 -0500
From: erik schlichting <>

Mr. Relph,

May I say, I think your site and the accompanying digest must constitute one of the cleanest, smartest ships on the internet. My thanks.

From: "Piergiu" <giocla@xxxxxxxx.xx>
Subject: greetings from italy
Date: Sun, 9 Aug 1998 12:52:25 +0200

Hi Mr. Relph,
first of all I'm sorry for my english, I hope you will forgive my mistakes. I visited a lot of times your Chalkhills website.Very,very nice... I'm a fan of XTC since 1978, and I appreciate your wonderful effort to maintain a so rich and interesting web about one of my favourite bands. Enjoy yourself!

Bye Piergiuseppe Ciranna
From: "Patrick"
Subject: RE: Music & Nightlife
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 1999 13:29:21 -0500

John -- I am not a Chalkhills subscriber, though I was at one point. I appreciate the "news" and "features" content of Chalkhills (which is why I now just go to the website, also to relieve the tedium of my day job), but the fanaticism and closemindedness of many Chalkhills contributors is wearying and a little frightening, particularly when one considers that they are fans of a group which is known for its aesthetic and intellectual tolerance and exploration within the often-conservative field of pop music. I realize this is tendency of all kinds of fans, whether they identify with Jesus, their local sports team, Stalin or the Beatles, but it's a little more discouraging in this context. One would hope that XTC fans would be interested in the potential of art, good and bad, and astute criticism of the same . . .


Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 20:36:17 -0700
From: Ian Orbell <>
Subject: What a great xtc web site...

I just wanted to say a big thank you for your xtc has played a major part in my refinding my love of xtc, and buying virtually ALL their cd's over the past few months...I had left the UK for the US many years ago, and several years before that had let my few CD's lay unplayed...cannot imagine why since their words and music are both unbelievably strong.

Ian Orbell.
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 17:31:51 -0800
From: Jay Q <>
Subject: Wow!

Just wanted to drop a line and say I love the site. Wonderfully exhaustive info for lyrics/music. I hope you're able to keep this site going for a long while into the future; the greatest pop band on the planet deserves it (not to mention their fans).

From: Millard.Mark/
Subject: Thanks
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 13:42:41 -0700

Hi John,

You provide a great service to XTC fans, please keep up the great work on the mailings and the web site.

Thanks again,

Austin Training
Apple Computer
Subject: praise for The Relphster
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1992 13:24 MDT

Hey-this is going to have zero XTC content, but I feel that these words need to be said.
John Relph Is A Stud.
John Relph Is A Stud.
John Relph Is A Stud.
Any arguements?
I just wanted to say thanks, John.
I feel like you are doing a great job as editor of this fuzzy green monster, possibly without worthy lavished praise.


Go back to Chalkhills.

3 August 2024 / Feedback