XTC Reel by Real: Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge: Gonwards
Last update: 3 August 2024
Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge: Gonwards
Order from APE House Records  
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Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge: Gonwards

Gonwards, the new collaboration between Peter Blegvad and Andy Partridge, is now available for pre-order. Ape House will publish the set as a standard CD, via download and in a limited edition CD/DVDA autographed box set. The box set will include many extras, including bonus tracks, films, an exclusive card game, and a lyric book. The set will be available on 22 October 2012.

Lyrics, Charts and More

  1. The Devil's Lexicon (pics)
  2. Sacred Objects (pics) (lyrics)
  3. Looking At The Sun
  4. St. Augustine Says
  5. The Cryonic Trombone
  6. The Impeccable Dandy in White
  7. What A Car You Are
  8. The Dope On Perelman (pics) (lyrics)
  9. From Germ to Gem (pics) (lyrics)
  10. Worse on the Way (pics) (lyrics)

Deluxe box also contains:

  1. You Broke It
  2. Zombie Tots (pics) (lyrics)

Recording Information

Performed by Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge.
Lyrics by Peter Blegvad. Music by Andy Partridge and Stu Rowe.
Produced by Andy Partridge and Stu Rowe.
Recorded 2010/11 at Lighterthief Studio, Swindon.
Peter Blegvad - vocals, guitars, thumb piano, birdsong, sermon
Andy Partridge - guitars, backing vocals, ukeleles, bass, percussion, piano, claps, clicks, choir and sleigh bells
Stu Rowe - piano, guitars, bass, keyboards, keyboard bass, programming
Frank Abrams - flute, soprano sax, alto sax
Natasha Griffiths - backing vocals
Mikey Rowe - piano, Hammond organ, Memory Man mangled keys
Billy ‘The Onion’ Jones - harmonica
All other instruments, arrangements and mixing by The Encyclopedia Salesmen.


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Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge: Gonwards autographed box set


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