XTC Reel by Real: Monstrance: Monstrance
Last update: 3 August 2024
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Live improvised (and overdub free) music by Barry Andrews, Martyn Barker and Andy Partridge.

Lyrics, Charts and More

  1. I Lovely Cosmonaut (pics)
  2. Winterwerk (pics)
  3. Black Swan Black
  4. Mig
  5. Oodoo
  6. Ur Tannoy
  7. Little Field
  8. Pagoda Tailfin
  9. Chain Gang
  10. Torturetainment
  11. The Floating World
  12. Priapple

Recording Information

Recorded in early 2006 at Headroom Studio, Swindon, Wiltshire, England.
Engineered, edited and mixed by Merv Carswell and Stuart Rowe.
Released on 2 April 2007 in the U.K.
Barry Andrews (keyboards)
Martyn Barker (drums)
Andy Partridge (guitars)


cover of the #\#i#/#Monstrance#\#/i#/# album by Monstrance

cover of the Monstrance album by Monstrance


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