XTC Reel by Real: Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge: Orpheus - The Lowdown
Last update: 3 August 2024
Orpheus - The Lowdown
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Lyrics, Charts and More

  1. Savannah (lyrics)
  2. Brown-Out On Olympus (lyrics)
  3. The Blimp Poet (lyrics)
  4. Night Of The Comet (lyrics)
  5. Necessary Shadows (George Steiner) (lyrics)
  6. Galveston (lyrics)
  7. Beetle (pics) (lyrics)
  8. Heartcall (lyrics)
  9. Noun Verbs (lyrics)
  10. Eurydice (after Rilke) (lyrics)
  11. Divine Blood (lyrics)
  12. Steel Bed (lyrics)

Recording Information

Recorded between 1990 and 2003 in the shed, Swindon.
Recorded and mixed by Andy Partridge.
Voices and instruments by Peter Blegvad.
Instruments and voices by Andy Partridge.
Words by Peter Blegvad.
Extra musical assistance:
Drums on track 2, 6, 11 and 12 by Ralph Salmins, recorded by Haydn Bendall at Abbey Road Studios, London.
Choral voices on track 10 by Erica Wexler.
Released on 23 February 2004 in the U.K.

Peter Blegvad is at work on a new project: a collaboration with XTC's Andy Partridge “along the lines of, dare I say it, jazz poetry. It's a cycle of pieces about Orpheus in hell.”
Q, March 1991 (p. 34)


front cover of #\#i#/#Orpheus - The Lowdown#\#/i#/# by Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge

front cover of Orpheus - The Lowdown by Peter Blegvad & Andy Partridge

artwork for “Beetle” from #\#i#/#Orpheus - The Lowdown#\#/i#/# by Peter Blegvad and Andy Partridge

artwork for “Beetle” from Orpheus - The Lowdown by Peter Blegvad and Andy Partridge

Portrait of Andy Partridge & Peter Blegvad by Teena Taylor for #\#i#/#The Independent on Sunday#\#/i#/#, March 28, 2004

Portrait of Andy Partridge & Peter Blegvad by Teena Taylor for The Independent on Sunday, March 28, 2004

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